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Research & Development

IEZ can provide excellent desk-studies on traditional plant use (for example for product development or registration purposes) both for humans and animals. Some examples of our research you find below.



IEZ made a survey of Dutch popular herbal books of the 20th century; and compaired the numbers of genera/families with the local flora. This was presented ( EB Ass Traditional and modern herbalism 2001 allpict) at an international ethnobotany conference in Antigua. The underlying database is accessable here (see Research –> DB ETBOT).

Discussion papers by Lans & Van Asseldonk: EB Lans Asseldonk Reverse Pharmacognosy 2016 ;  EB Lans 2015 Ebola .

Historical ethnobotany:  IEZ published on interpretations of garlic use in old textbooks (EB Ass People like leek 2005); on traditional European herbalism methods and philosophy related to magic thinking ( EB Ass Vandeurse Naturopathic phytotherapy 1995) and on the traditional European herb classification (medieval/renaissance) and its relation to chemical ecology ( EB Ass 2007 Vinci Traditional herbal concepts still in use) . The underlying database is accessable here (see Research –> DB ETHIST)

STUDENT WORKS include a.o.: Opinions of organic herb growers on the definition of quality ( EB Wat heet kwaliteit voor Biologische teler J Spanjaard); conflicting visions on wild crafting edible plants (EB Summary Hung Nguyen); Use of herbs by breast feeding women ( EB stu G.Melissen kruiden borstvoeding augustus 2013); Needs of diabetic patients for information on herbs ( EB Scriptie S. van der Eijk 16102015 ).


IEZ students of private schools for naturopathic animal care did ethnoveterinary field work; 200 reports were combined in a survey ( EV Ass Asseldonk_Beijer Ist 2006). The underlying database is accessable here (see Research –> DB ETVET)

With 5 organic pig farmers and students a study was done in which herbs were fed to sows trying to improve the health of the piglets ( EV Klei Ass ea Poster kraamstal kruiden 2005   and  EV Klei As Verslag KrKr Provincie Ov2005

On a request of organic lifestock farmers IEZ made, together with Rikilt-WU, PhytoGeniX, the Louis Bolk Institute and HAS Den Bosch an inventory of rational herbal animal products and wrote several stable books to help them integrating these in the farm management. See www.fyto-v.nl  &  for english http://www.fyto-v.nl/docs/sb_dairy.pdf ,  and http://www.fyto-v.nl/docs/sb_pigs.pdf and http://www.fyto-v.nl/docs/sb_poultry.pdf 

IEZ reported for the Voederbomen-LBI project about possible medicinal use of fodder trees (see EV Zo EB Ass 2010 Med-en-etnobot-asp-potentiële-voederbomen-voor-melkvee )
IEZ did for WUR a desktop study about possible use of herbs to diminuish agression in male uncastrated pigs and rabbits. ( EV Agr varkens edepotlink_t520c7d3b_001 )
Drs. Gerdien Kleijer and Tedje van Asseldonk worked in several projects with pig farmers on herb use in stables. An example is this: https://vimeo.com/97503183    (video by Maria Kolossa, project funded by prov Overijssel)


Zoopharmacognosy field studies were done a.o. in Apenheul (see Zo Ass Haas 2005 ) and Millingerwaard and on organic goat and cow farms (see Zo Ass 2006 D Lecture Zoopharmacognosy ).

STUDENT WORKS include differences in spontaneous foraging behaviour between pregnant/non pregnant cows; and between goats that were classified as having hot or cold constitutions:
Zo stu Zoöfarmacognosie Galloways DEF HAS06Zo stu Samenvatting veldwerk consumptie Galloways MillingerwaardZo stu Samenvatting HAS zwangere koeien v BIOVAKZo stu Onderzoek naar het graasgedrag van geiten MarijkeZo Stu Onderzoek naar de kruidenconsumptie van geiten AnneloesZo Stu Loeien_en_grazen_K.HaberkornZo stu Kruidenindewei_IlsevanDuuren2 .


Projects with companies related to product development:
or reasons of confidentiality these projects cannot be explained in detail.

Assigned by the NVF (www.fyto.nl ) we coordinated two innovation projects (each 2,5 year) about natural products with 13, resp 18 companies.
Innovative cosmetical products we develop with our partners in Mintal (www.mintal.eu )