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NB FROM 2020 ONWARD, MOST EDUCATIONAL PROJECTS are part of the www.mintal.eu project (herbalism, distilling, edible wild plants, etc).


IEZ  (in particular Tedje van Asseldonk)
– taught workshops, guest lectures and courses at universities (both professional and private), mainly on pharmaceutical botany and (human and animal) phytotherapy.

– trained several students in the methodology of ethnobotany, ethnoveterinary and zoopharmacognosy research
– edited and published a variety of educational material (some of which is available in the Dutch Royal Library – Koninklijke Bibliotheek)

IEZ has developed the website infofyto (www.infofyto.nl) for the Dutch ESCOP member, the NVF. Edited this site 2010-2017. Schools and pharmacies, as well as consumers, have emphasised the educational value of this website.

IEZ’s Tedje van Asseldonk has been the editor of the NVF-journal Netherlands Journal for Phytotherapy from 1999-2018: http://fyto.nl/tijdschrift-nvf


Examples of educational activities

in Dutch: Module HAS fyto-v (see http://www.fyto-v.nl/docs/module.pdf )
in Dutch: Textbook on Traditional Europan Naturopathy; since 2006; in 2023 5th edition, available at https://www.merlijnboekhandel.nl/catalogsearch/result/?cat=0&q=Asseldonk
Dutch/English: Veterinary course in the Netherlands ( STEHD & http://www.healthcare-academy.nl/   )
in English: Veterinary course in USA (2013 courses PAPERS Asseldonk workshops ahvma kansas 2013 )

BSc CAM therapists Phytotherapy courses (SaxionNext) (not available anymore)

In DUtch, English summary: Innovative Greenhouse crop growers (f.e. EB Ass et al 2010 Innovatienetwerk medicijnen_uit_de_kas )