Idlatin plantnameNL plantnameyearstudentanimalparts plantdosepreparationATCvetindicatie NLindicationresultssourceregion (prov)remarks
107Acorus calamusKalmoes2004Janssen A.cowsrootadd to the food a couple of times a daypowder, dry the root and grind it to a powderQAtympanie (trommelzucht)hoovegoodmr. and mrs. B., farmersNBFirst the gas was let out through a hose then the powder was administered for a few days as a follow-up treatment
8Acorus calamusKalmoes2000Langenkamp B.cowsrootsome grounded root (fresh or dry) in foodsee doseQAdiarreescourgoodbiological dairy-cattle farmDRNowadays used in veterinary product: 'Fyto stop poeder', and often used by humans as well
22Allium cepaUi2001Oirschot v. E.sheepbulbjust mix some with the foodrawQPwormenwormssheep refused to eat itbiological sheep farmNBCave, large amounts of raw onions can be poisenous to animals; this remedy worked for other farmers but not here
24Allium cepaUi2001Friedenberg A.rabbitsbulbtwice a day a handfulrawQRslijm in de neusnasal mucusgoodpetting zoo, MaarssenUTOne handfull mixed with mint
102Allium sativumKnoflook2004Vermeulen L.B: chickenscloveas much as they eat in half an hourgrated garlic mixed with the normal foodQPwormenwormsgoodbiological farm "de Doornhof"ZHThe chickens were free of worms after 5 days
165Allium sativumKnoflook2004Huijben K.horsesdried clovesslices fed at willdried and slicedQRhoest/verkoudheidcough/coldinconclusivemrs. F., stable and horse ownerZHThe horses are not cured especially allergy does not diminish. Nevertheless still in use.
156Allium sativumKnoflook2004Rensen E.horsesclove15 grams a daypowder (ready-made) from horse drug storeQPinsecten werendinsect repellantinconclusivemr. M. T., horse ownerNBHorse owner is unsure of the effectiveness of the garlic, he has only used it for a few months
116Allium sativumKnoflook2003Stormink E.horsesfresh clove2 cloves a day to start off with, in the summer 4freshQV/QPverbetering algemene conditie, insect weringimproves general health, insect repellantgoodmrs. S., horse owner, from her fatherGESeems to have a beneficial effect on summer moulting and slight coughs.
26Allium sativumKnoflook2001Friedenberg A.horsescloveexternal: apply to skinused a fresh cloveQPinsecten werendinsecticideinsufficientpetting zoo, MaarssenUTExternal application covering entire animal
159Allium sativumKnoflook2004Eekels M.horsesclove1 clove a dayfreshQB/QPbloed zuiverend en insect werendinsect repellant and cleanses the bloodgoodmr. H., racing-stable ownerZLThe horses seem to enjoy eating the garlic
36Allium sativumKnoflook2001Eynden K. van derhorsesclovepowder in recommended dosage (30 g/day)bought from horse drug storeQD/QV/QPmooiere vacht, algehele versterking, anti-insectenimproves coat and general health, insect repellantgoodowner of horse; advertising in horse drug storeBEUse before the summer (May)
86Allium sativumKnoflook2004Vlaardingerbroek K.horsesclove20 grams a day, orallypowderQPinsect werendinsect repellantgoodhorse ownerZLThe horse is given the garlic powder from early spring 'till autumn when there are no more insects
90Allium sativumKnoflook2000Evers E.horsesclovesome garlic powder or 1 drop of garlic-oilpowder or oilQD/QPeczeem, last van insecteninsect repellant, eczemagood for all but 1 horsehome for horsesUTUsed in summer only. Up to 5 fresh cloves can be given daily, but most horses prefer the powder (50 grams max.) or oil
84Allium sativumKnoflook1998Vintges L.horsesclovenot specifiedmix with normal foodQD/QPdroge huid, insectwerendskin irritation (dryness), insect repellantgoodmrs. Z., owner of horses and stableNHCave, overdose can cause digestive problems or anaemia
82Allium sativumKnoflook2000Postma P.dogsclove3 tablets a daypills from Kruidvat (meant for humans)QPanti vlooien/teken middelflea/tick repellantsatisfactoryowner of a home for pets/dog training centreBEHeard from a client and now he uses it every day
73Allium sativumKnoflook2000Hout A. van dehorsesclovein summer every day some powder in the foodpowder, commercial preparationQPinsecten (dazen) weghoudeninsect repellantgoodowner of horses, a family remedyNBMixed in with the normal food once a day exact dose not known
148Allium sativumKnoflook2004Gemeren E. vanhorsesclove1 clove a dayfresh, chopped up and mixed with normal foodQP/QIweerstand verhogend en insect werendbeneficial to the immune system, insect repellantgood/inconclusivemrs. V, horse ownerZHResults were disappointing for an insect repellant; maybe more effective in a higher dose; but old horse (30) is very healthy
51Apium graveolensKnolselderij2002Goorbergh S. van denhorsestuber1/5 a day spred over 2 feedschoped up and mixed with normal foodQRhoest/chronische bronchitiscough/chronic bronchitisgoodowner of horse; heard from shoeing-smithLI1 tuber will last 5 days after which improvement should be evident
46Apium graveolensSelderij2002London O.rabbitsherb1 handful, 2 or 3 times a day, for 1 weekfreshQAwaterzuchtdropsygoodbreeder of rabbitsNHDo this for the duration of one week or shorter if the symptoms subside quicker
1Apium graveolensBleekselderij2000Ewijk T. vanhorsesstemmix a few raw stems with the food for 3 daysfresh & chopped upQMstalbenenleg oedemagoodowner of horsesFLThe stem is not mentioned in the literature but the seed is an aquaretic.
38Areca catechuBetelnoot, Djambe (palm)2002Berg F. van dendogsfruitone fruitmashedQPwormenwormsgoodowner of dog (she lived in Java)NHCave, Kills worms but safe dosage unknown
153Arnica montanaValkruid2004Hafkenscheid G.horsesflowersexternal; oil mixed with cooling gelmassage-oil (weleda)QMkneuzingenbruises/contusionsgoodmr. H., horse trainerZLThe massage-oil is mixed with some cooling gel and massaged into the bruised area
149Artemisia absinthiumAbsint-alsem2004Joosen M.catsdried herbuse incidental, a dash of tea on the foodput 1/4 tea globe full of herb in 1/2 litre waterQPontwormingvermicidegoodcat ownerNBCave, abortive. Use only a few times a day for a week, then stop for a while (can cause addiction). If necessary repeat.
150Artemisia absinthiumAbsint-alsem2004Joosen M.rabbitsherbfresh twigs 3 times a week; or tea on daily foodtea: 0,5 g dried herb on 0,5 l water, give a dashQPontwormingvermicidegoodrabbit owner; read it in a herbalNBCave, abortive.
56Avena sativaHaver2002Smit A.horsesseedsnot specified; food additivecrushed, fed to horseQVzorgt voor een pittiger paardliven up the horsegoodbreeder/owner of racehorsesLILiterature states that oat straw seems to have sedative properties; racers use oat seeds for energizing properties.
30Avena sativaHavermout2001Holdtgrefe L.dogsseedsfeed the dog some slime every 3 hoursboil the malt for 10 min. in plenty of waterQAdiarree/overgevendiarrhoea/vomitinggoodowner of dogBENo other food and after 2 days there will be a vast improvement
45Beta vulgarisSuikerbiet2002Bakker G.horsesprocessed root (molasses)ext: a thick layer applied 5 times every other daymolasses used as an ointmentQDwrattenwartsgoodowner of horsesFrApply externaly on warts 5 times a day every other day for 3 weeks
177Beta vulgaris subsp vulgarisSuikerbiet2003Koning A. decowsprocessed root1 kilorefined sugar mixed with the foodQGmelkziekte en slepende melkziektemilk fever and acetonaemiagoodmr. and mrs. A., farmersNBDoesn't always cure acetonaemia.
33Betula pendulaBerk2001Bruinsma M.horsesleaves/waterexternal application on tail and mane (lesions)birch water (sold for human use)QDdroge ge?rriteerde huid/ eczeem staart/manendry/irritated skin; eczema tail/manegoodthe owner of a home for horsesLIRegular external application to irritated area
140Brassica oleraceaKool2004Das D.horsesleavesext: 1 leaf bound to the woundfreshQDontstoken wondeninflamed woundsgoodmr. N., farmerGRRemove the leaves after 6 hours; if wet it has withdrawn moisture from the wound, if mushed it withdrew heat, if smelly it withdrew bacteria.
110Calendula officinalisGoudsbloem2002Klijn E.guinea-pigflowersointment rubbed into the skin twice a dayointment, commercial preparationQP/QDschurftmangegoodguinea-pig ownerNHUsed also for her daughter. Use in combination with chemical desinfectant (vet).
15Calendula officinalisGoudsbloem2000Trommel E.horsesherb20-30 drops 2-4 times a day, mixed with the food200 g herb in 1 l of alcohol 50%, 6 wk in darkQDsneetjes, schaafwondjes en ge?rriteerde huidsmall wounds, grazes and skin irritationgoodfarmer (owns cows and horses)DRCan also be used internally, but this farmer only uses it internally. Literature gives flowers as the used part.
57Calendula officinalisGoudsbloem2002Pouw S.cats, dogsherbexternal useointment for human use, bought in drugstoreQDjeuk, kleine schaafwonden en sneetjesitch, small grazes, and small cutsgood, but not as good as the hydrocortiderm salvehome for petsGEThe calendula ointment was used sometimes, but mostly hydrocorticoderm was used
103Calendula officinalisGoudsbloem2004Vermeulen L.sheepflowerheadsa thin layer twice a day for 2 weeksointment (home made or bought)QDwondenwoundsgoodbiological farm "de Doornhof"ZHThey used to make the ointment themselves but now they buy it ready-made
166Calendula officinalisCalendula2003Hems L.horsespettlesext: rub into the skin two or three times a dayointmentQDsneetjes en schaafwondjessmall cuts and grazesgoodHorse owner and granddaughter of homeopathNBAlso beneficial to dry or irritated skin
74Calendula officinalisGoudsbloem2000Janssen M.dogsdried herb (incl. roots!)1 teaspoon to 1 bowl of water.dried and crushed; then prepared as teaQAdiarree en maag/darm problemendiarrhoea/digestive upsetsgoodtrainer of horsesBENo normal water for a few days; improvement after one day, cured after 2 or 3 days. Literature gives flowers as part to use.
179Cinnamomum camphoraKamfer2003Leemkolk R. van dedogsess oil from leafexternal use whenever necessarycommercial, in massage oilQMstijve poten/spierenstiff muscles/legsgoodfarmerUTWorked on a lamb as well
79Crataegus oxyacanthaMeidoorn2000Postma P.dogsflowers/leaves10 drops a day; severe case 3 x 10 dr/daytincture, crataegus-complex from A.VogelQChart aandoeningheart problemsgood, especially in early stagesowner of a home for pets/dog training centreBEEspecially the older dog (8 year) reacted good, the dog family has hereditary heart problems
112Equisetum arvenseHeermoes2003Wieren B. vancowsherbhay with a lot of this herb was put apart & fedmixed with the normal foodQDringvuur (runder trichofytie)mycosis of the skininconclusivemr. B. H., former farmerDRCave, more than 20% is toxic hay. It was known that cows who stayed in a field with a lot of this (''roebol'') had big horns, lots of hair but no meat!
144Euphrasia officinalisOgentroost2004Spanje F. vanhorsesdried herbexternal use twice a day for 2 daysteabag made hot in water is put on the eyeQSontstoken ogeninflammation of the eyegoodhorse owner, advice from a friendZHTeabags with this herb are sold in health food shops (for humans).
72Euphrasia officinalisOgentroost2000Hout A. van dehorsesdried herbext: dab onto the eye twice a day4 tablespoons soaked in 0.5 L. of water for 30 minQSontstoken ooginflammation of the eyesatisfactoryowner of horsesNBWhen the tea has cooled down you can keep it in a jar for two weeks
151Filipendula ulmariaMoerasspirea2004Joosen M.dogsdried herb250 ml. of tea a day for a 33 kilogram dogtea: handful of dried herb in 0,5 l water, 15 min.QMartroseartrosisgoodherbal doctor who used this on peopleNBPositive experiences although herb contains salicic acid (not adviced for dogs)
178Foeniculum vulgareVenkel2003Leemkolk R. van dehorsesleaf base (''bulb'')100 grams twice a weekfresh, chopped upQAkoliekpreventiecolic preventiongoodhorse ownerUTShe uses this on the horse because she knows fennel works for childrens intestine cramps (but then seeds are used)
113Foeniculum vulgareVenkel2003Loots W.dogsseed1 cup of tea twice a day over the food4 teaspoons of seed for 1/2 a pot of tea (2 cups)QG/QAstimuleren melkgift, krampstillend voor pupsstimulates lactation, soothes puppy's crampsgoodmrs. M., breeder of dogsNBIs used to soothe puppy's cramps while intestines are adjusting to milk or, later on, food
122Galium aparineKleefkruid2003Thijssen L.cow: calvesherbexternal usetincture made of herb (home made)QDopgezette navelswollen belly-buttonmostly goodfarmer's sisterNHRemedy worked but now the calves stay with the cow for some time and therefore the problem is over.
97Ginkgo bilobaJapanse notenboom2004Aarts C.B: carrier-pigeonleavesa bit in the hand, increasing daily dosedry and grind the leaves up then add to waterQVbeter uithoudingsvermogen en geheugen (wedstrijden)to improve stamina/memory for a competition flightgoodpigeon enthusiastNBThis was part of the pigeon's usual diet but they were given a larger quantity to prepare for competitions
129Glechoma hederaceaHondsdraf2004Godeschalk K.horsesherb1 handful, twice a dayfreshQRhoestcoughgoodherb doctorDRThis was used in combination with steaming with essential oils of Mentha, Juniperus, Eucalyptus.
49Glycyrrhiza glabraZoethout2002Anonimoushorsesrhizometwo pieces of root (about 20 g)pour 1/2 litre boiling water on & mix with branQRhoestcoughgoodowner of horse/Cave, overdose can cause high bloodpressure and has hormonal effects
189Hamamelis virginianaToverhazelaar2004Beijer H.dogsherbunknowntinctureQDjeuk van insectenbetenstops the itch caused by insect bitesgoodmrs. D., dog ownerEnglandAlso works on humans. External use
123Helianthus annuusZonnebloem2003Anonimoushorsesprocessed seeds (sunflower oil)5-10 cc a dayoil; mix with foodQMstijve gewrichtenstiffness of the jointsgoodhorse ownerGEStiffness disappears after 1-2 months but reoccurs when oil is no longer fed to the horses
126Ilex aquifoliumHulst2003Zwart L.goatsbranchesno dosage: a few branches strung up in stablefresh branches strung up in the stableQDvoorkomt ecthymaprevents ecthymagoodR-hoeve, goat farmNHBranches are strung up in the stable at all times to prevent ecthyma
55Ilex aquifoliumHulst2002Smit A.sheepfoliageNo dosage: a few branches strung up in stablepicked and strung up in stableQDvoorkomt/geneest ecthyma (zere bekjes)prevention/cure against ecthymagoodGL, shepherdLIBecause it is not used internally it isn't clear how it can be effective.
176Juglans regiaNotenboom2003Koning A. decows, cattleleaves and branches/freshQPinsect werendinsect repellantgoodmr. V., farmerNBBranches were tied together and strung up in the stable. Also used in children's rooms.
44Juniperus communisJeneverbes2002Bakker G.horsesdried fruita few berries a day in winterdried berry put in the foodQMstalbenen voorkomenleg oedema, preventivegoodowner of stallion/horse breederFrHorses legs in the stable look indeed very good, dry.
88Linum usitatissimumLijnzaad/vlas2000Borsten E.horsesseed1 handfulboil in water untill slimy then mix with foodQDbevordert de ruiimproves moultinggoodhorse ownerUTCave, can contain prussic acid (HCN) when raw
162Linum usitatissimumLijnzaad/vlas2004Windt D. van derhorsesseed1/2 a cup twice a weekboil in water and mix with foodQA/QDverbetert de spijsvertering en vachtimproves digestion and coatgoodmrs M., horse and stable ownerZHShe also gives the horses linseed-oil to improve their coats
131Linum usitatissimumLijnzaad/vlas2004Docter D.cowsseedtwice a day, for two weeks, a lot with foodsoak the seeds in hot water;use slimy upper partQGmelkziekte, extreme zwakte na bevallingmilk fever; post partum weaknessgoodfarmerOVVet had given up cow but she was rescued with this remedy. Cave, can contain prussic acid (HCN)
60Linum usitatissimumLijnzaad/vlas2002Ooijen B. vansheepseedabout 1/2 litre of slime is brought in uterusheat the seeds a short time in water at 80 oCQGals de nageboorte niet loslaatfailure to release the placenta after giving birthgoodshepherd TexelNHOnly slime is used, after cooling down it is introduced into the womb and the ewe is also stimulated to drink it: results excellent
53Linum usitatissimumLijnzaad/vlas2002Groven Y.horsesseednot specified, also oil can be usedboil or soak thoroughly and mix with foodQDstimuleert de ruistimulates moultinggoodequerryNHCave, poisenous before being boiled or soaked
114Linum usitatissimumLijnzaad/vlas2003Loots W.horsesseedexternal useboil the hole seed to mash then apply to woundQDverwondingen of zwerenwounds or soresgoodmr. L., farmer, from his fatherNBPut the seed-pulp in a plastic bag put the hoof in it then wrap a piece of jute tightly round it and refresh dayly untill healed
105Linum usitatissimumLijnzaad/vlas2004Leeuw L. dehorsesseedext: 4 times in 1st week; 2 times in 2nd, 1ce in 3boil with water until slimy, then put on the hoofQMrotstraalthrushgoodriding school "H"ZHLonger treatment may be necessary
23Linum usitatissimumLijnzaad/vlas2001Oirschot v. E.sheepseedseveral times a day, give only the slimeboil the seeds in water 'till slimy, give freshQAontstekingen in de darmbowel soresgoodbiological sheep farmers, from vetNBServe the slime immediately after cooling; cured a very sick sheep
180Linum usitatissimumLijnzaad/vlas2003Nijenhuis C.horsesseed100 grams of seed (mash) per horse 1x/weekboil in 1 to 2 litres of water then add to foodQAkoliek preventiecolic preventiongoodmrs. B., private stable owner HilvarenbeekNBThe horses seem to enjoy eating it; it prevents also respiration problems, it is given with 1/2 kg oat and 1/2 kg wheat bran
147Linum usitatissimumLijnzaad/vlas2004Gemeren E. vancowsseedexternal use: a big handful of seedadd seeds to hot water; put in a bag, tie to leg.QMontsteking aan de beneninflammation on the legsvery goodfamily remedy, ecological dairy-cattle farmerZHRefresh the bag every other day untill cured. There is no need to boil the seed to neutralise any Prussic acid due to external use.
155Linum usitatissimumLijnzaad/vlas2004Rensen E.cowsseedexternal use, bag/cloth attached to the woundboil the seeds in water, put in bag/clothQDopen en ontstoken wondenopen and inflamed woundsgoodmr. T. and mr. J. Z., cattle-raisers WaspikNBEspecially useful for wounds on the limbs, refresh it after a few days
154Linum usitatissimumLijnzaad/vlas2004Rensen E.cowsseeda handful, once or twice in three dayssoak the seeds very long in water, give the mashQAna ernstige diarreeafter severe scourinconclusivemr. T. and mr. J. Z., cattle-raisers WaspikNBInternal use.
50Linum usitatissimumLijnzaad/vlas2002Goorbergh S. van denhorsesseed1 tablespoon in the food twice a dayboil 1 handful with 3x as much water for 15 min.QDongezonde vachtunhealthy coatgoodowner of horseLIIt can take up to 10 days before any visable effect is achieved but then also horse is fitter
173Linum usitatissimumLijnzaad/vlas2003Camfferman N.cowsprocessed seed (oil)int: unknown quantity with the foodoilQAverstoppingconstipationgoodfarmer (72 yrs old), cowsUTInternal use, exact dose not remembered
10Linum usitatissimumLijnzaad/vlas1998Wensink I.horsesseed2 handfuls of seed to 1.5 litres of boiling watersolvent, let it cool down then mix with foodQAkoliek/zand in de darmencolic / sand in bowelsgoodE. H., horse owner, from vetGECave, can contain prussic acid (HCN). Owner had to continue more than 3 weeks, until dung was free of sand.
58Linum usitatissimumLijnzaad/vlas2002Pouw S.horsesseed1 rice bowl of seeds; 5 x/week; then 3 x, then 2xboil the seeds for 15 min. and mix with foodQAkoliek preventiecolic preventiongoodseveral horse ownersGEThis is given on first sign (dung gets too dry or too wet): 5 times in the first week, every other day the next week, twice in the third week
83Linum usitatissimumLijnzaad/vlas1998Vintges L.horsesseednot specifiedboil for 5 to 6 hours then mix with the foodQV/QDmeer energie, vachtconditiegives the horses more energy, coat conditiongoodmrs. Z., owner of pony center AlkmaarNHThis is given after the winter to help the horses shed their winter coat, it is also beneficial to the digestive track
142Linum usitatissimumLijnzaad/vlas2004Gulik R. vanhorsesseedmix with the food once a weekboil the seeds to a slimy substanceQD/QAbevordert de rui en de spijsverteringstimulates moulting and digestiongoodmr. P., horse trainer/stable ownerNBPrimarily given in spring to stimulate moulting
120Linum usitatissimumLijnzaad/vlas2003Anonimouscowsseed1 litre of seed pulpboil 'till it turns to mashQI/QVverbetert gezondheid, roboransimproves health, reconvalencegoodtravelling cow-food sales managerDenmarkImproves general health in every circumstance, can also be given to calves
130Linum usitatissimumLijnzaad/vlas2004Godeschalk K.horsesseed100 gram a daysoak the seeds in hot water then mix with foodQAkoliek preventieprevention of colicgoodvetDRSoak thoroughly to neutralise HCN; advised for horses with recurrent colics to prevent them
104Lupinus spLupine2004Leeuw L. degoatsseedext: 10 grams of seed boiled in 2 litres of wateradd 3 glasses of vinegar to the water when cooledQPschurftscabiesgoodpetting zoo "W"ZHInfected goats are separated from rest and washed with this mixture every other day for a week.
132Malus pumilaAppel (stroop)2004Docter D.horsesprocessed fruitexternal use twice a day or moreapple syrupQDwrattenwartsgoodhorse-riding schoolOVAlso used to be applied to small wounds, but not anymore on account of it sticking to the horse's coat too much and attrackting too many flies
64Malus pumilaAppel (azijn)2002Konink, G.B: carrier-pigeonprocessed fruit1 tablespoon a week for every litre of waterapple vinegarQAvoorkomt adeno-coli complexprevention of adeno-coli complexgoodcarrier-pigeon magazine (association)GEIn the past buttermilk was used, equally benificial. A-cc symptoms: diarrhoea, vomiting and weight loss, followed by death
169Malva sylvestrisGroot kaasjeskruid2003Kolk A. van derdogsflowerheadsexternal application several times a dayoil (home made by filling a jar with flowers & oilQDwespenstekenwasp stingsgoodmr. K., farmer, from his motherZHUsed also for humans. Rub the oil on the stung area a few times a day.
171Matricaria chamomillaKamille2003Wiering W.dogsdried flowersexternal, twice a day, curativesolvent, tea, let cool for 1/2 hour, then sieveQSontstoken ogeninflammation of the eyesgoodmrs. N. S., dog ownerNBSoak a tissue in the tea then press against the eye
181Matricaria chamomillaKamille2003Nijenhuis C.dogsdried flowerstwice a week, external, preventivesolvent, tea; use on cloth to wash eyesQSvoorkomt/geneest onstoken ogenprevents/cures inflamed eyesgoodmrs. B., dog breeder EsbeekNBDog bred used to have many eye infections, now seldom and whenever it occurs it is cured within 2 days
76Matricaria chamomillaKamille2000Mulder N.catsflowerheadsext: once a day cleaning eyes and surroundingsolvent, tea, normal strength, luke warm usedQSvoorkomt ontstekingen aan het oogto prevent inflammation of the eyegoodthe head attendant at a home for catsNHNot to be used when there is pus coming out of the eye. It cleans the area around the eye and therefore prevents infection.
158Matricaria chamomillaKamille2004Eekels M.horsesflower headsexternal:rinse eye;1 handful to 1/2 litre of waterboil in water, then sive and use the yellow liquidQSontstoken ogeninflammation of the eyegoodmr. H., racing-stable ownerZLA cloth can be soaked in the yellow liquid and then put over the eye, or the eye can be rinsed out with the yellow liquid
182Matricaria chamomillaKamille2003Lasierra B.dogsflowersexternal, a few times a day, curativesolvent, teaQSvieze ogen (niet ontstoken)dirty eyes (but not inflamed)goodmr. B., vetZHEasy and effective home remedy
167Matricaria chamomillaKamille2003Hems L.horsesdried flowerheadsext:dampen cloth in solvent and dab eyes 2-3 t/d.solvent, soak 30 to 50 grams in 600 ml of waterQSontstoken ogeninflammation of the eyegoodHorse owner and granddaughter of homeopathNBAlways use a fresh cloth for each eye to prevent contamination
27Matricaria chamomillaKamille2001Friedenberg A.ferretsflowerheadssteaming (in a special plexiglass cage)flowers in boiling water (steaming)QRgriep/chronische bronchitisinfluenza, chronic bronchitisgoodpetting zoo, MaarssenUTCould also be usefull for rabbits with nasal mucus
119Matricaria chamomillaKamille2003Woord K.horsesdried flowersat willtea (with the flowers) in the drinking waterQDwondenwoundsgoodstable vD, from mr. T.B., vetUTWounds heal quickly and without scars; in addition linseed is applied to the wound
29Matricaria chamomillaKamille2001Henkes I.horsesflowersext: application on the eyesolvent, tea made as normal teaQSontstoken oog door vliegeninflammation of the eye due to fliesgoodhome for horsesNHMake tea, let it cool and dab onto the eye
31MELL HoneyHoning2001Holdtgrefe L.horses/1-2 tablespoons a day over the normal foodhoneyQD/QVgriep, kleine brandwonden, algehele versterkinginfluenza, minor burns, improves general healthgoodhorse food supplierBEAlso known to have a relaxing effect
160Mentha piperitaPepermunt2004Eekels M.horsesherb1 mint sweet, or a handful of leaves or 15 dr oiloil in tea with honey/ herbs mixed in with foodQAkoliekcolicgoodmr. H., racing-stable ownerZLGive the horse some more if symptoms persist; vet is called but often direct relief on mint
115Mentha piperitaPepermunt2003Stormink E.horsesessential oil1 drop mixed with the foodmix the oil with 1 teaspoon of honeyQAbuikpijn, gasvorming, diarreebelly-ache, gasification, scourgoodmrs. K., horse ownerGEImprovement after 1 hour, but the oil is very strong. When given too much horses may get obstinate
152Mentha piperitaPepermunt2004Hafkenscheid G.horsesherb1 drop of ess oil1 drop of peppermint-oil mixed with honey-waterQAkoliekcolicgoodmr. H., horse trainerZLMild colic will be cured in 15 minutes
7Mentha piperitaPepermunt2000Langenkamp B.cows, goatsleavesexternally applied twice a day and feed dry leavesointment was home-made, herb home-grownQGharde uierudder sclerosis/udder callositygoodbiological dairy-cattle farmDRSoftens udders after 2 or 3 days; combined internal/external use
137Mentha piperitaPepermunt2004Akker S. van denhorsesprocessed herb5 at first, then 1 or 2 every 10 min. for 2 hourspeppermints (sweets)QAkoliekcolicgoodfarmer, cow and horseOVIn addition the farmer would walk 'round with the horse for the 2 hours as well; in the old days they used the herb.
25Mentha piperitaPepermunt2001Friedenberg A.rabbitsherbtwice a dayfreshQRslijm in de neusnasal mucusgoodpetting zoo, MaarssenUTOne handfull mixed with onion
95MFS Humulus etcGerst, mout, hop, gist2004Hagestein L.horsesprocesseda dash of guinness over the foodbeer (guinness)QD/QValgehele versterking, mooie vachtimproves general health and improves shine on coatgoodmr. D., horse stable (from father)NBExcept for having a beneficial effect on the coat it is also beneficial for the heart, blood circulation and the digestive track
93MFS Juniperus etcJeneverbes, tarwe, gerst, engelwortel, st.janskrui2004Hagestein L.pigs/sowsprocessed1 glass of jonge jenever over the foodalcohol based beverage (Dutch gin, jenever)QNbrandzeugento prevent sow from killing pigletsgood, no known side-effectsmr. S., pig farmerNBJonge jenever can contain up to 14 different herbs which are not specified on the label
19MFS (3 herbs) Eucalyptus etcEucalyptus, munt, kamfer2000Vos K.horsesprocessed leaves and barkrub a thin layer on the point of injurygel (muscle-gel)QMsport/werk blessuresporting/work injury of muscles, tentdons or jointgoodhorse owner, from friendsDRComposition: Eucalyptus globulus, Mentha piperita and Cinnamomum camphora. Gel improves bloodflow causing injuries to heal quicker
18MFS (3 herbs) Glycyrrhiza etcZoethout, fenegriek, knoflook2000Vos K.horsesroot,seed, bulb2 to 4 measurements (amount unknown) a daycommercial productQRhoestcoughgoodhorse owner, from vetDRComposition: Trigonella foenum graecum, Allium sativum, Glycyrrhiza glabra. To be mixed in with food.
71MFS (3 herbs) Valeriana etcValeriaan/st. janskruid/hop2000Horst L. van derhorsesroot/herb/flower15 drops of each tincture twice a daytinctures for human use (dayly 2 x 30 dr)QNhoudt het dier rustigmake animal placid to enable injury to healnot yet establishedowner of horse on advice of vetUTCombination: Valeriana officinalis, Hypericum perforatum, Humulus lupulus, human dose 2 x 30 drops/day; horse dose: 2 x 15 dr/day
11MFS (4 herbs) Allium cepa etcUi, zonnedauw, wilde tijm, rode zonnehoed2000Trommel E.horsesbulb/herb25 drops 2 to 4 times a day, mixed with the foodcommercial product sold by vetQRhoestcoughgoodstud-farm, from naturopathic vetDRComposition: Allium cepa, Drosera rotundifolia, Thymus vulgarus and Echinacea angustifolia.
39MFS (5 herbs) Alchemilla etcVrouwenmantel/duizendblad/kruizmunt/marjol/kamille2002Berg F. van dencatsherba few saucers for a few dayssolventQAmaag/darm problemendigestive upsetsgoodowner of catNHThe cat took it's owner's tea of it's own accord (zoopharmacognosy), comp.:Alchemilla vulgaris, Achillea millefolium, Mentha spicata, Majorana hortensis, Matricaria chamomilla
135MFS (Humulus lupulus/Saccharomyces cerevisiaeHop, gist, enz2004Driessen H.cowsprocessed1 bottle a daybeerQVzuivering van het lichaamto cleanse the bodygoodfarmerFRInternal use
133MFS Humulus lupulus and Saccharomyces cerevisiaeHop en gist2004Holtman M.cowsprocessed1 bottle a daybeerQG/QAslepende melkziekte, slechte spijsverteringslow/decreased digestion, milk diseasegoodfarmer from ZelhemGEThis concerns beer that has been brewed normally
139MFS Humulus lupulus etcHop2004Das D.horsesprocessed1 or 2 bottles (about half a liter)beerQAkoliekcolicgoodmrs. K.,mounted policeZHBefore turning to beer to cure colic one must be sure there aren't any folds in the intestines
41MFS Poa et al: hayHooi2002Marsman G.cow: calvesdried plants1 bucket of the solventsoak in a bucket of lukewarm water for 15 minutesQAkalverendiarreecalves with scourgoodagricultural researcher, from several farmersFLThough this solvent is effective the ready-made equivalent is preferred (rehydration salts)
91Nicotiana tabacumTabak2004Bartels J.horsesleafenema; not specifiedenemaQAkoliekcolicgoodformer farmer mr. WNBCave, toxic remedy, given as enema when a horse had a colic during ploughing
85Petroselinum crispumPeterselie2004Vlaardingerbroek K.rabbitsherbin stead of food for 1 day (after fasting 1 day)mix parsley with heyQAdiarreediarrhoeagoodowner of pet shopZLRemedy for young rabbits in shop that have just arrived and get diarrhoea
100Petroselinum crispumPeterselie2004Slaakweg S.cowsherbexternal, no fixed frequencyjar, fill 3/4 with herb, pour in oil; cover clothQGpreventie mastitisprevents mastitisgoodmr. D., org. dairy farmerZLThey also used rosemary-oil and comfrey-oil for the same purpose. Prepared with olive or sunflower oil, put in sun 4 weeeks.
52Pisum sativumSpliterwt2002Groven Y.horsespeas1 handful a day for a week or 2rawQR/QIgriep/verkoudheidinfluenza/coughgoodshetland pony breederNHCave, toxicity of raw peas
187Plantago lanceolataSmalle weegbree2003Zwager S.horsesherba few leaves once or twice a dayfresh but bruisedQDkleine wondjessmall woundsgoodhorse owner, from grandparentsNBWounds often from eating leaves of blackberry bushes
138Plantago majorGrote weegbree2004Akker S. van densheepfresh leafext:depends on the size of the wound;refresh dailyfresh leaves bound to the woundQDwondjes op de potenwounded legsgoodfarmer, oldOVBefore putting a dressing on the wound it must be cleaned thoroughly
170Plantago major/lanceolataWeegbree2003Wiering W.horsesherbexternal usefresh, bruised herbQDmuggen bultenmosquito bitesgoodmrs. M. C., horse trainerNBBruise the leaves and rub on to the swollen area
87Potentilla erectaTormentil2000Borsten E.horses, dogsroot20 drops twice a day phase out to once a daytincture (sold for human use)QAdiarreediarrhoeagoodhorse/dog ownerUTGive the drops twice a day to start off with. Phase down to once a day when improvement is shown, and stop when cured
188Primula sp.Sleutelbloem2004Beijer H.cowsherbunknownfreshQGveroorzaakt onvruchtbaarheidcauses infertility/farmers grandsonScotlandCave, it's mostly unwanted; the farmer made sure his fields were free of this plant
92Quercus roburEik2004Bartels J.horsesleavesnot specifiedmake tea from the leavesQAdiarreescourgoodmr. R., owns several horsesNBIn literature the use of oak bark is more common, however leaves contain tannins as well.
3Quercus roburEik2000Bles S.horsesbarkexternal: wash tail and mane once a dayluke-warm decoction (externum)QDeczeem bij de staart en maneneczema tail and manesatisfactorystable Nieuwe WeteringUTHis father added brandy but he did not; the effect came late but was permanent.
175Quercus sp.Eik2003Hermus K.goatsfleavesabout 10 grams a dayfreshQA/QDslechte eetlust, matte vacht en diarreeloss of appetite, dull coat and scourgoodgoat-ownersNBIn literature the use of oak bark is more common, however leaves contain tannins as well.
48Rheum sp.Rabarber2002Anonimouscow: calvesrhizomedepends on the size of the animalground, raw root mixed through the milkQAdiarreescourgoodfarm, Indonesian/Cave, not to be used for an endless amount of time, and toxic/laxative in large amounts
136Rubus idaeusFramboos2004Driessen H.horsesdried leaveslet horse drink at willsolvent, normal tea made from dried leavesQGvoorbereiding van de merrie op de geboorteto prepare the horse for giving birthgoodfarmerFRCave, if the leaves are not dried properly they can contain toxins that will make the animal sick
106Rumex acetosaWilde veldzuring2004Janssen A.pigsfresh herb1 handful a dayfreshQA/QIdiarree, koorts, gebrek aan eetlustscour, fever, lack of appetitegoodmr. and mrs. B., farmersNBThe pigs were eating normally within a few days
128Rumex spZuring2003Zwart L.goatsherbat will (zoopharmacognostic use)freshQIbevordert de weerstandbeneficial to the immune systemgoodR-hoeve, goat farmNHThe goats do not eat the roots. Probably more species: R. acetosa, R. acetosella, R. obtusifolius
5Ruta graveolensWijnruit2000Boerema J.cowsleavesexternal use: rub cow and spray in stable (winter)make very strong teaQPtegen luizen en vlooienlouce and flea problemsgoodfarm org. Cow & dairy-farmer in AnderenDRCave, abortefacient and toxic in high dose when used internally
61Salix albaSchietwilg2002Visser N. deB: budgiestwigs and leavesa few twigsfreshQVverbreekt de dagelijkse sleurboredom, changes daily routinenone expectedowner, home remedyGEBirds preferred the leave buds (gemmae) ; no harmful side effects were seen
118Salix albaSchietwilg2003Woord K.horsesbark/branchesat willfreshQMgewrichtsontstekingarthritisgoodstable vD, from mr. T. B., vetUTPlace some branches in the stable and let the horses gnaw the bark off
43Salvia officinalisSalie2002Gerrtise M.sheepdried herb2 handfulsprepare 2 l. tea and mix with 6 l. waterQA/QGvermoeidheid/darmproblemendigestive upsets/fatiguegoodfarm in NorwayNHOften given to sheep after a difficult delivery but also in other cases of digestive complaints
185Salvia officinalisSalie2003Soeurt M.goatsleaves50 ml a few times a dayadd honey to the leaves and boil for a few minutesQRlongontstekingpneumoniausually goodfarmerNHOne goat died dispite use of the mixture but it usually is quite effective
4Salvia officinalisSalie2000Bles S.sheep, calvesleavesext: twice a day: rinse or wetmake strong tea and add 2 spoons of honeyQDspruw en mondzeerthrush and mouth diseasegoodfarm Nieuwe WeteringUTWash the mouth twice a day with a cloth or a sponge drenched in the mixture
101Sambucus nigraVlier2004Slaakweg S.dogsfresh leavesext: dab extract onto the lacteal gland 3 x a daysoak a large amount of leaves in hot water 15 minQG/QDopgezwollen melkklierenswollen lacteal glands after being in heatsatisfactorymr. T. H. , dog breederZLCave, only external use (give additional internally sour milk with chopped Salvia leaves)
109Sarothamnus scopariusBrem2002Genabeek B. vanrabbitstwig, without buds or flowersone twig (30 cm long) a day untill betterfreshQAdiarreediarrhoeagood/mr. A., old horse/sheep farmerDRCave, the flowers are poisonous
42Silybum marianumMariadistel2002Gerrtise M.B: carrier-pigeonseeds1 or 2 seeds a daydried seedsQApreventief: voor de leverpreventive liver supportgoodcarrier-pigeon enthusiastNHHas a beneficial effect on their general health
34Silybum marianumMariadistel2001Brinkmann M.cats, dogsdried seed1 capsule a daydried seed in capsuleQAproblemen met de leverliver-troublesgoodvet, homeopathic in VenrayLICan cure skin disease caused by liver problems
117Solanum tuberosumAardappel2003Veen W. van dercats, dogstuberexternal use: one half of a raw potatoegrate the potatoe and apply to sting for 5-10 min.QDwespen/bijen steekwasp/bee stinggoodowner of a home for cats and dogsOVThis also works for humans
9Solidago virgaureaEchte Guldenroede1998Wensink I.horsesherb1 handful of herbs (3 bowls of tea) a daysolvent, tea, made with boiling waterQM/QGstalbenen/nier problemenleg oedema, kidney problemsgoodE. H., horse owner, from naturopathGEGive the horse 1 bowl of tea (do not sive) over it's food 3 times a day, the tea has a strong diuretic effect
75Symphytum officinaleSmeerwortel2000Janssen M.horsesroot1 handful a day in the food for 10 dayschop up the root and boil in water till slimyQMgebroken beenbroken leg, multiple fracturesgoodtrainer of horsesBECave, toxic alkaloids in root. But clearly stimulates the production of new bone.
63Tanacetum vulgareBoerenwormkruid2002Konink, G.B: chickensherb incl. flowerinstead of plain water for 3 or 4 days herb teatea: fresh herbs in hot water for some timeQPwormenwormsgoodfarmer; women, born 1910.GECave, known to be poisonous, maybe not for chickens; maybe Dutch plants free of thujon?
168Tanacetum vulgareBoerenwormkruid2003Kolk A. van derdogsherbexternal, see remarksfresh picked herbQPvlooienfleasreasonably goodmr. K., farmer, from his motherZHMake a bed for the dog from the freshly picked herb. Doesn't get rid of all the fleas but keeps the amount under control
54Tanacetum vulgareBoerenwormkruid2002Murk I.sheepflowers and leavesnot rememberedfreshQPwormenwormsgoodfarmer; old woman, from her fatherNBCave, toxicity of herb
99Taraxacum officinalisPaardebloem2004Riel M. vandogsherbonce a day, rather large dose (he said)fresh; mix with normal foodQVgezondheid en rustimproves general health and calmes the dogs downinconclusivemr. S., old farmer, has lived in GermanyNBUsed in training aggressive dogs for police work; result is a better coat and behaviour, but a pregnant bitch aborted spontaneously.
186Taraxacum officinalisPaardebloem2003Zwager S.horsesherba handful a dayfreshQA/QBjaarlijkse reinigende voorjaarskuurannual spring cleansing treatmentgoodhorse owner, from grandparentsNBGives the horse's general health a boost after the winter months
62Taraxacum officinalisPaardebloem2002Visser N. deguinea-pigs, rabbits, horsesleavesat willfreshQA/QVverbetert het metabolisme en verbreekt de dagelijkse sleurimproves metabolism, changes daily routinenone expectedowner, home remedyGECan cause diarrhoea when fed more than two handfuls a day to horses, but no side effects noted for guinea-pigs or rabbits
78Taraxacum officinalisPaardebloem2002Ooijen B. vansheepherbat will (zoopharmacognostic use)freshQG/QVweer op krachten komen na bevalingto regain strength after giving birthgoodshepherd TexelNHSheep put on place were there grow a lot of herbs and chose dandelions (the flowerheads first) and then plantain
146Taraxacum officinalisPaardenbloem2004Slot Y.horsesherb"a basket" full twice a dayfreshQA/QGweinig eetlust tijdens zwangerschaplack of appetite during pregnancyinconclusivehorse breeder, from shoeing-smithNHUse of the remedy started a few months ago. No results yet.
127Taraxacum officinalisPaardenbloem2003Zwart L.goatsherbat will (zoopharmacognostic use)freshQIbevordert de weerstandbeneficial to the immune systemgoodR-hoeve, goat farmNHThe goats do not eat the roots
108Taraxacum officinalisPaardebloem2002Genabeek B. vanrabbitsentire herb1 or 2 big ones or 6 small onesfreshQGstimuleert de melkgiftstimulates lactationgoodmr. G., rabbit breederDRThe rabbits really enjoy eating the dandylions
96Taraxacum officinalisPaardebloem2004Aarts C.B: carrier-pigeonrootext: rub the sap on the warts once a daychop up the root and collect the sapQDduivenpokkenwarts round the eyes and beekgoodpigeon enthusiastNBExternal use, warts become smaller and then disappearl
125Thea cinensisZwarte thee2003Anonimouscow: calvesdried herb2 litressolvent; like normal teaQAdiarreescourgoodtravelling cow-food sales managerDenmarkUsually works after 1 or 2 days (alternative: to give 1 litre red wine)
40Thea cinensisZwarte thee2002Marsman G.cow: calvesherb2 teabags per litre of lukewarm watersolvent, make strong tea by letting it stand longQAkalverendiarreecalves with scour

goodfarmer H., from his fatherFLCave, overdose can cause dizzyness, vomiting, muscle spasms, palpitation of the hart, decelerated respiration, etc.
28Thymus vulgarisTijm2001Henkes I.beesessential oila new mat once a month in winteressential oil manufactured into a matQP/QVinsecticide/antibacterieelinsecticide/ kills bacteriagoodbee keeperNHTraditional bee-keeper remedy during the winter used by many nowadays
2Trigonella foenum-graecumFenegriek2000Ewijk T. vanhorsesseed1 tablespoon mixed with the food twice a daypowdered dried seedQRhoestcoughsatisfactoryowner of horsesFLIn case of weight loss due to exercise: feed 3 tablespoons a day
124Trigonella foenum-graecumFenegriek2003Anonimoushorsesseed20 grams a day from october 'till marchmix the seeds with the foodQRvoorkomt verkoudheid en problemen met de luchtwegenprevents colds or respiratory problemsgoodhorse ownerGEAnimals sometimes still catch a cold but a lot less frequently
141Trigonella foenum-graecumFoenegriek2004Gulik R. vanhorsesseedmix 1 tablespoon a day with the food untill cureddried powdered seedQRhoest/verkoudheidcough/coldgoodmr. P., horse trainer/stable ownerNBTo prevent illness mix 1 tablespoon of seeds with the food once a week
35Trigonella foenum-graecumFenegriek2001Brinkmann M.horsesdried seeds30/40 gram twice a daypowderQRhoestcoughnot goodowner/trainer of horsesLIMany horse owners use this for cough but she had no success.
89Trigonella foenum-graecumFenegriek2000Evers E.horsesseeds75 gram a day for one weekpowdered and combined with garlic powderQRallergische hoestallergic coughgoodhorse ownerUTHas a soothing effect on the trachea
134Triticum aestivumTarwe2004Holtman M.B:carrier-pigeonsgrain1 kilo of grain boiled in 2 litres of watersee doseQDbevordert de ruihelps the bird shed it's feathersinconclusivepigeon enthusiastGEWhen the wheat and water have cooled after boiling give the birds the wheat to eat and the water to drink
121Tropaeolum majusOost-indische kers2003Thijssen L.cowsherbexternal usemash of fresh leaves, put on the spotQD/QMuitwendige (poot)ontstekingenexternal (limb) infectionsgoodfarmer's sisterNHOnly works for infections caused by bacteria and not by a virus
184Tussilago farfaraKlein hoefblad2003Soeurt M.cowsflower headsointment, apply once a dayointment: mix 2/3 flowers and 1/3 butterQPschurftscabiesreasonably goodfarmer, old womanNHThe spots are washed first with a mixture of fluid soap and seasalt. Then ointment of tussilago (or calendula or sulphur powder).
77Urtica dioicaBrandnetel2000Mulder N.horsesdried leavesdepends on size and health of the animalmix in with the food once a day for 2 weeksQVreiniging voor trainingpurification before traininggoodrace horse trainerNHEnables the horses to get back into shape quicker; only used for race horses
37Urtica dioicaBrandnetel2001Eynden K. van derhorsesyoung shoots20 to 30 grams a day (2 handfulls) in febr-marchdried young shootsQValgehele versterking na de winterimproves general health after the winter periodgoodowner of horseBEUse at the end of winter (February-March)
6Urtica dioicaBrandnetel2000Boerema J.goatsherbevery now and then a handfuldriedQValgehele versterkinggeneral health improvementgoodfarm org. Goat & dairy farm in MantingeDRUse in addition to the normal food especially when goats are ill
47Urtica urensBrandnetel2002London O.pigsleaf1 leaffreshQD/QGvoorkomt mastitisprevents mastitisgoodfarmer, pigsNHRub the leaf against the nipple, the sow will allow the piglets to suckle in order to relieve the burning sensation
183Urtica urensBrandnetel2003Lasierra B.horsesherbgive some handfuls on the food for just a few daysdried, then fed along with the normal foodQDhaverbultjes (door teveel prote?ne in het voer)lumps in the skin caused by high-protein foodgoodM.G., horse ownerZHCures always after a couple of days
32Urtica urensBrandnetel2001Bruinsma M.goatsdried planta small bucket once a daysolvent, normal tea prepared from dried herbQVals ze langer als een dag ziek lijkenwhen they seem ill for more than a dayinconclusivefarm, organic goat farmLIThe animals liked the drink but some got better while others died
111Urtica urensBrandnetel2003Wieren B. vanB: chickensherbhalf of the amount of normal food a daychop up the fresh plant and mix with foodQA/QVslechte groei, sloomheid, slechte eetlustnot growing well or eating well, lack of energygoodmr. B. H., former farmerDRAfter 6 days the chicks will be better, the ones that still aren't will die
143Urtica urensBrandnetel2004Spanje F. vanhorsesdried herb (tips)1 handful a day for 3 weeksdriedQVversnelt herstel na ziektefor a speedy recoverygoodhorse ownerZHAlso given in spring to improve general health
174Urtica urens & Lamium albumBrandnetel en witte dovenetel2003Hermus K.pigsherb1 handful (about 100 grams), twice a dayfresh, but wait for the foliage to wilt.QG/QBna de bevalling. Bevordert de aanmaak van bloedstimulates blood-production after giving birthgoodmr. D., biological pig farmerNBNettles are at their most curative when picked in early spring
163Urtica urens/dioicaBrandnetel2004Windt D. van derhorsesherba handful a dayfresh or driedQGverhoogt de melkgiftincreases lactationgoodmrs S., horse ownerZHAlso improves the mare's general health after giving birth
164Urtica urens/dioicaBrandnetel2004Huijben K.horsesdried herb (tips)1 or 2 handfulls a day twice a week (moulting per)dried for two days, then chopped upQDbevordert de ruiimproves moultinggoodmrs. D., pedagogic therapeutic horsecentreZHNettles are also high in vitamins and minerals and they cleanse the blood: improve condition
161Urtica urens/dioicaBrandnetel2004Font Freide A.B: turkeysherb (tips)every day some with the foodfresh, chopped up tipsQPvoorkomt besmetting met de dodelijke ziekte blackheadprevents blackhead (histomoniasis) contaminationinconclusiveAnimal center NijmegenGENo animals on this farm were ever infected with blackhead, but it isn't clear whether contamination was prevented by the nettles
98Urtica urens/dioicaBrandnetel2004Riel M. vanB: chickensyoung leaves or entire herb including root1 tablespoon for about 20 chickschop up the nettles, add egg-yolk, mix with foodQVvoorkomt vroegtijdig overlijdenprevents early deathgoodmr. S., old farmer, has lived in GermanyNBNot as many chicks died and they all grew well, but this could also be due to the added egg-yolk
145Urtica urens/dioicaBrandnetel2004Slot Y.horsesherb (tips)50 ml twice a day; strength not specifiedsolvent, normal tea preparationQRhoestcoughinconclusivehorse owner, from horse magazineNHWas given to the horse for 4 weeks. There was a notable improvement after 2 weeks. In the magazine plantain was added.
157Urtica urens/dioicaBrandnetel2004Eekels M.horsesdried herblet horse take at willdried herb was put on the ground before herQGvoorkomt stuwing in de borstento prevent swelling of the udders after weaninginconclusivemr. H., racing-stable ownerZLAlso prevents mastitis
172Vaccinium myrtillusBlauwe bosbes2003Camfferman N.cow: calvesfruitsint: unknownjuiceQAdiarreescourreasonably goodfarmer (72 yrs old), cowsUTDid not remember exact dose